
피터 빌락 타이포그라피

PETER BILĂK INTERVIEW WITH MONTHLY DESIGN KOREA 디자이너 프로파일 신세대 그래픽 디자이너 겸 디자인 디자인 평론가, 저술인, 교육자, 잡지 편집인은 물론 디자인 전시회 기획자 등 로 활동하고 있는 피터 빌락. 이제 갓 서른살을 넘긴 그는 현재 네덜란드의 행정도시 헤이그에서 작년인 2001년 봄에 설립한 피터 빌락 그래픽 타입 웹 디자인 앤 비욘드 (Peter Bilǎk : graphic,…Read more

Peter Bilăk on Typography

INTERVIEW WITH PETER BILĂK ON TYPO DESIGN Jungle: How did you first get yourself exposed to the world of graphic design, and what formal/informal education or trainings did you have before you started your professional career as a designer? Peter Bilăk: 
I started studying back in Czechoslovakia at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design…Read more

Interview with Jean-François Porchez

JEAN-FRANÇOIS PORCHEZ INTERVIEW IN MAGAZINE JUNGLE JUNGLE: Which teachers, artists, or movements helped  form or change your perspectives about typography and typographic design? JEAN-FRANÇOIS PORCHEZ: I discovered typeface design through Calligraphy during my first year of graphic courses with my teacher of calligraphy Ronan Le Henaff, who himself at this time was learning type design…Read more